Author: Breezy Point Mom
•5:26 PM
It has been 21 hours since my last past. Now look at the radar image here, and look at the radar image from the last post. Not too much different, right? Sort of like coming back to a soap opera after being away for awhile and pretty much the same things are going on.

Locally, we have had 8 inches of rain here at our house, according to the official almanac. Right now, the rain is as torrential as ever, and the winds are stronger than they have been all storm long.

The good news is that Fay is creeping due west at 5 mph. But we are situated right in that heavy precipitation band that is wrapping around the south side of her core. And we've been there for a night and a day.

Things to be thankful for: we don't have flooding, we don't have apparent damage to our house (a friend just called here and reported water seeping through her walls and surfacing from beneath her laminate flooring!), so far our trees have done okay, except for some branches, and only our shed has structural damage. If you've seen the news, there are many places around here that are flooded,including right here in our community.

The bright side: it hasn't gotten warmer than the 70s today!

DH is on his way home from work, and I will be so glad to see him walk through the door. 'Til then, dinner is in the works.

Just another summer in Florida, right?

UPDATE: It is now Friday, August 22, and finally the clouds are breaking up some, and the sun is trying very hard to break through. You can almost tell there is a sun up there. I haven't seen it since Sunday or Monday. In total, we have received over eleven (11!) inches of rain in our village in the past couple of days. And the land around our home has proven to be marvelously flood free. Even now, there is not a puddle outside to be seen. Just a bunch of branches to pick up. Thankful, thankful!!
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On August 21, 2008 at 9:09 PM , mykidzmomnow said...

I am glad to know you are safe. And I appreciated your view on the brighter side. How are the children holding up? Stir crazy?

I know 8 inches is a lot, too much, rain in 24 hours, but here in NC with the drought it makes me a bit jealous!

I am looking forward to reading that Fay has moved on and y'all are outside playing - in muddy clothes! ;-)


On August 22, 2008 at 6:28 AM , Greg C said...

I remember those hurricane days growing up in Florida. One time we were camping at Juniper Springs and a storm decided to change directions and we were asked to leave the park in the middle of the night. That was fun for us kids but not for are fathers who had to pack up and move everything. Thanks for jogging my memory.

On August 22, 2008 at 6:31 PM , Marjie said...

Hooray for sunshine! Unfortunately, now the heat will return to you - boo hoo! Have the kids help pick up the sticks. When all of mine were little, we used to give them a dime, nickel or quarter per stick to pick them up after the winter's destruction! Glad the worst is over!