Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:18 AM
July 31, 2010 10:18 a.m.

Yup.  That's us all the way.

As you know, life in the 21st century calls for an endless supply of batteries, especially AA and AAA batteries.  At our home, we charge our kids 25 cents a battery (or about half of what we had to pay for them).  In this way, they are more careful about turning off things to conserve battery power, about using the rechargeables, and waiting for them to recharge again before using the device (instead of just putting in four fresh new batteries in the meantime).  Batteries are a controlled commodity in our house.

Recently, Chips has gotten into the hobby of collecting and rehabilitating digital watches.  He gets them mostly from thrift stores for a couple of dollars each, although he is currently saving money to buy a special new one.  All of these watches consume batteries, and these batteries are expensive.  But since the cheapskate parents haven't been ponying up for new batteries, he has had to be resourceful about watch batteries.  This has caused Chips to be on the lookout for potential batteries around the house.  He has removed batteries from old Happy Meal toys.  He has removed batteries from old musical greeting cards.  When he is interested in wearing one watch, he will steal the battery from another for the day.  As a result, for months he has never needed to purchase a new watch battery.

Chips is learning ways to be economical and resourceful, all because we are too cheap to supply him with free batteries.  It certainly makes toys that don't require batteries more attractive.  He says it is "fun" to find new ways to power up his watches.  I say it is a good thing, too.
Author: Breezy Point Mom
•5:18 PM
 July 28, 2010 5:18 p.m.
Outside my window... cloudy and dreary this afternoon, with distant rumbles of thunder.  This is fine with us, as it has produced a bit of much needed rain, and it has cooled the afternoon off to 77 degrees.  It was 97 degrees a couple of hours ago, so this is much better!

I am thinking and praying... for a dear friend and her family, as she fully expects her mom to pass into glory this week.  Praying for numerous mercies to be poured out on her and her family during these painful days.

I am thankful for
...  my husband's good and steady job, and the fact that it still allows for a simple commute and for my husband to spend a lot of time with our family. 

I am wearing
... Tan capri lounge pants, athletic shoes, and a light blue music camp T-shirt.

I am remembering
... the day we moved into this house, six years ago this past Saturday, and how far we have come since then.  We were struck by a hurricane three weeks after moving here, and I am thankful there hasn't been a repeat of that experience in all this time.

I am going
...  to a music store tonight to check out a digital piano.  We did some research and found a piano at a very low price.  We have been using a 12 year old keyboard for several years, and an upgrade would be great.  I want the children to get a fair amount of skill with the piano.  Not necessarily to be advanced, but at least to be able to read the music and know how to play the notes satisfactorily.  Their primary instrument is violin and we plan to keep it that way, but we feel that some knowledge of piano will serve them in their musical future, even if they should become violin teachers.

I am reading
... nothing except the Bible in the morning,my copies of Practical Homeschooling magazine, and homeschool curriculum catalogs.  I go through this fever every summer, checking out other homeschooling material, but always returning with confidence to Calvert.

I am hoping and praying... for a miracle in a certain person's life.

On my mind... my friend who I mentioned at the top of this post, going through a very rough time now.

From the learning rooms
...  Chips just finished his fifth grade test 100 today, and we dropped it in the mail.  Sweet Girl completed second grade lesson 111.  I am striving for a more efficient way of teaching the children together, and the past few days have seen us completing our lessons sooner than usual.  Yippeee!

Noticing that
... the days are getting shorter than they were, because my dog barks for me to go out and walk him in the morning, but his "alarm clock" has been going off later now than it did a month ago!  So instead of 6 a.m., I am walking him at 6:30.  Another yippeeee!

Pondering these words...  "I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep..... I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father -- and I lay down my life for the sheep." JOHN 10:11,14-15.          

From the kitchen
... it is going to be Spicy Sloppy Joes and chips today.

Around the house... is enough clutter to truly give it that "lived in" appearance.  But that's because it is lived in!  Just within a 20 foot radius I see footwear, books all over the place, magazines, sheet music, cups, packaging, a small screwdriver set, a violin shoulder rest, a scrapbook, and a can of Lysol.  Gee whiz!

One of my favorite things
... is listening to my children talk to each other about the books they're reading.  As they discuss the antics of the story characters, there are giggles aplenty.  It is so neat to see what joy good books give to them.  Sweet Girl has the best belly laughs when talking to her brother about what is going on in her books.  By the way, both of them are turned on to the Hardy Boys right now, and they have a lot of fun talking to each other about the characters they both "know".

From my picture journal......

Our Mal-Wart fireworks show

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Author: Breezy Point Mom
•8:51 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010 8:51 p.m.

Our church and teaching elder were featured in the newspaper today.  I thought it was a pretty well-researched and balanced article, although it is possible that some of the quotes could be taken the wrong way.  Nevertheless, it was exciting to see this article today.  The video link does show a bit of the interior of the church sanctuary, a beautiful structure that was just completed a year ago this month.
Author: Breezy Point Mom
•7:21 AM
Thursday, July 22, 7:21 a.m.

This month, I finally took the time to go get a physical exam. Twice I got established with a primary care doctor, only for him to leave the practice for various reasons.  So it has been four years since I had a standard physical.  I had been going for my annual gyn exams, but they never included general lab work.  So this month I finally visited an internist near our home who was recommended by a friend.  This friend has never steered me the wrong way when it came to recommending good doctors, and she definitely did a good thing for me this time.

This doctor is very nice, he takes time to talk, he is not too busy, and he is thorough.  In addition, he has three children and his wife homeschools them.  What could be neater than that?

So, this Tuesday I was called back into the office to discuss the lab work that had come in, and this is what I found out: I am severely deficient in Vitamin D.  Not just a little bit.  Vitamin D levels are supposed to be between 50 and 100, and I am at 9.  So he prescribed megadoses of Vitamin D for me for the next two months.  100,000 IU per week for the first month, and 50,000 per week for the next month.  He told me that vitamin D deficiency is associated with bone, joint, and muscle pain, or diffuse aching, and higher risks for various cancers.

I keep all my lab work records, and I looked back at previous results I had.  A doctor has never ordered a vitamin D test for me before.  This is the first time.

Two days later, after I took the first megadose, I really think I feel a positive difference.  For years I have been living with diffuse aching throughout my legs and joints, especially my knees.  I thought it was a normal consequence of getting older, general bone fatigue after a busy day.  Yesterday, I was very active and busy, and I didn't notice this coming on at all.  So far today, things seem good.  I am excited to see whether the vitamin is actually helping alleviate something that I thought was just "getting older"!  If so, then this doctor is a gem.

I recommend asking a doctor for a vitamin D test when getting a check up.  I did some reading online, and this condition is more common than ever before, especially in the northern climates.  The main source of vitamin D is UVB rays from the sun.  The only common food sources are fatty fish, and some dairy foods to which it has been added.  Nonetheless, the food sources are inconsequential, as they contribute such a small dose per meal.  The UVB rays can supposedly provide all you need within 15 to 30 minutes of skin exposure, more if you are dark-skinned.

Now you would think someone like myself, who lives in the "Sunshine State", would not have this problem.  The truth is, I go outside every day, but I have always been careful to avoid sun, or to wear sunscreen.  Also, most of my time outdoors is before sunrise, and after sundown, because the sun is HOT and INTENSE here.  Here's another surprise: sunscreen blocks UVB rays; therefore sunscreen blocks what can be your only reliable, free source of the daily dose of vitamin D you need.  So while I was slathering on sunscreen to protect myself, I was also depriving myself of the only adequate source of this nutrient.  (The doctor told me I would have to eat fatty fish morning, noon, and night to get enough right now, and there is no way I am doing that!).

You have to be careful with vitamin D supplementation, though.  It should be supervised, and preceded by blood work, to be safe.  But the amount you get through sunshine is sufficient and self-limiting, preventing your body from accumulating toxic amounts (your skin doesn't convert what your body doesn't need).  Hey, I think I'm on to something.

Ask your doctor, busy mom!
Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:33 PM
July 15, 2010 10:33 p.m.

I have to write about something that makes me very proud.  It is about Chips.  Chips (and Sweet Girl) have both been having a great time at Music Camp and at VBS, both offered through our church.  Chips has been receiving some pretty neat compliments, and I want to share them here.

1. The Chief Musician of our church saw me twice last week (during Music Camp) and commented about Chips.  He had been teaching him in a small tone chimes group.  He said that he really enjoyed Chips, that he has a great smile and that his attitude is positive and very refreshing.  That pleased me.

2. This week, the lady who taught Chips' class at VBS (who happens to be the pastor's wife) told me that she really enjoyed having Chips in her class because he is such a willing participant.   That comment made me feel good, too.

3. Yesterday, another mom came up to me and told me that on the way home from VBS the day before, her 11 year old son told her that he really liked Chips a lot, because "he is really nice, he really loves Jesus, and he always tries to do the right thing".  The mother followed up by saying she was thankful that Chips was in her son's life, that as a peer, he was a good Christian witness to her son.  All I can say about that compliment is WOW!  What better words could I possibly hear?

We are still pretty new to this church, but people are starting to appreciate our son as they get to know him.  Chips isn't doing anything unusual at these events.  He is just being himself.  Very cheerful and happy, very engaging, and enjoying everything he does, big and small.  He also loves to engage adults in conversation at every opportunity.  It is so wonderful to see him growing in Christ in this way!
Author: Breezy Point Mom
•9:36 PM
July 14, 2010 9:36 p.m.

VBS is this week.  Therefore, I am two tired.  Two tired to right a decent blog post write now.  Maybe tomorrow. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Whew.  And I thought this wood be an easy weak!
Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:19 PM
July 9, 2010 10:19 p.m.

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have blogged.  So many things have been going on, and we are so out of our normal routine, as well.  I suppose this is one of those posts that call for photos and captions.

Let's see.  What's this again?  Oh, Chips is always coming up with his own experiments in electricity.  This one was an LED connected to two button cells and two magnets.  Voila!  The LED glows, but unfortunately my camera flash was too bright to show it.

World's longest lasting Christmas Wreath.  I thought that July 2nd was long enough this year, what about you?  I have to say it still looked good, though.  The children helped themselves to the decorations, but the rest ended up in our fire pit.

After six years, we finally put our Black Forest cuckoo clock back on the wall.  This clock was a wedding gift to us from my husband's uncle.  Self-Reliant Man cleaned up the insides and added some lubricant.  Now we enjoy the chiming very much.  It is quite a novelty to the children, since they don't remember it when it was up in our previous house.

 We witnessed the transformation of four monarchs this month.  My husband's boss's boss went on vacation and couldn't tend to them, so he gave them to us.  All four of them matured healthy and whole, and have since flown away somewhere, to the great satisfaction of our family.

I can sleep soundly at night, now, knowing that if all h*** breaks loose, and the End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It takes place, at least our family will be set for toilet paper for awhile.  Who knows?  We could probably barter a roll for a tank of gasoline.

 A month ago, we went to visit my MIL.  Here, Chips is sharing his musical gift with a small audience at her nursing home.  It was very calming...

... and it's a good thing I felt calm, because I met up with a space alien that evening at the campground pool!

Our dear friend from church finished up our mother-daughter apron set.  We are using them often together.  Aren't they great?

Self-Reliant Man wanted another Stetson for Father's Day, and he got one.  How 'bout that?  He was a very pleased man.  So was Chips a pleased son.

Highlight of the Month Award goes to Self-Reliant Man's prize for twenty productive years with the company.  He selected from a catalog of gifts that included consumer electronics, an air compressor, jewelry, home decorating items, a propane fire pit, and THIS.  He chose (without my influence at all) this Premium Belgian Waffle Maker.  Wow - what fun!  So friends, for the next several months if you come to visit me, you're getting waffles.  Don't believe it? Then just try me.  Self-Reliant Man now happily makes all kinds of huge, perfect waffles......

.... and Chips chips in his cooking expertise.

 The results are a crunchy and fluffy culinary delight!

Finally, we just completed a week of Music Camp at our church.  There were sixty campers ranging in age from 5 to 13.  They all experienced chorus and Orff classes together.  They also got to select one of the following instruments to learn during the week: classical guitar, harp, or tone chimes.  Our kids did tone chimes, and they loved them, perhaps more than anything else.
But Orff class was a close second.  That looked like a lot of fun.  I would have loved to participate, except I had other duties to tend to during the camp.

Sweet Girl played a metallophone.

Chips played the bass xylophone.  It was a very memorable week for them!