Author: Breezy Point Mom
•7:49 PM
Yes, this week I did cross yet another milestone in life. Some would say, it is one of those little thresholds.

I got a prescription for Dual Vision Corrective Lenses. That is my preferred name for ... uh ... er.. bi, bifo, (spit it out! ) ... ah .. ummmmmmmm...

I think the correct word is bifocals. Yes, my friends, I am now going to be a bifocals wearer. I eeked out those single vision glasses just as long as I possibly could, but now, at the tender age of 45 -1/4, it's time.

I've decided that it was going to be sooner or later, and might as well get it over with. Sometimes one just has to be a big girl and face the music, bite the bullet, jump in with both feet. Or eyes.

I am taking that prescription and marching off to the nearest optician to get my newfound Dual Vision. Yessirree, I am going. I'm putting that prescription in my purse right now. I'm going .. going .. well, maybe in a few months.

Right now I've got more immediate fish to fry. I got stung by a wasp yesterday, and although it didn't continue to hurt very long yesterday, as of today my left ring finger is very itchy and swollen. So much so, that I can't really bend the finger anymore. It looks like a balloon animal. It looks like the ring finger of a very fat person. Fortunately I had the foresight to take off my rings before it swelled. Boy oh boy -- I took Zyrt*c, and it didn't help. How do I keep from scratching it?
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On August 4, 2008 at 5:00 PM , Marjie said...

I feel your pain. I went to the eye doctor last week, and told him I'm having a hard time reading, and he told me I could get some "cute little readers for overtop the contact lenses." To which I asked what a 15 year old would know about wearing reading glasses anyway (OK, he's not quite that young, but it made my point). So he gave me a strange prescription, as they did for Ronald Reagan, and I can now read again. Go figure!

On August 5, 2008 at 8:54 PM , Becky @ LaMere Academy said...

Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the tree in your header, is it one from your yard?
I'm sorry about your wasp sting, I had only been stung by a bee once around 6 years old and it was my goal to never be stung by any flying insect ever again, well about 3 years ago, I was walking barefoot in the yard, felt an incredible pain and lifted my foot to see a wasp stuck with his stinger in my foot. Yikes!! It was horrible. I feel your pain.

On August 12, 2008 at 3:22 PM , 40winkzzz said...

Catching up on your blog today. Yep, I have those too. Got em in May, a full YEAR after noticing I needed them. It was like an overnight thing-- one day my vision was fine (with regular glasses), the next, I couldn't smoothly transition from close-up vision to far away vision. Anyway, I got not bi-focals but "progressive lenses", which don't have the line. But i still prefer to take them off when doing close-up work. Like now.