Author: Breezy Point Mom
•6:18 PM
We turn on the TV at Mighty Oak Country School for four reasons: Olympics, severe weather, space shuttle launches, and inaugurations.

So it was on today.

During a talk radio show this afternoon, I heard one gentleman say that he refused to watch the inauguration because he had significant political differences from the new leadership. I don't care what your political views are, or to what extent you approve or disapprove of the events of this day. Barring inability to watch TV due to responsibilities or employment, how could you stay away from viewing the inauguration?

The inauguration is another opportunity for me to share with my children what makes our country great. The fact that our country, for over 230 years, has had peaceful transfers of power from president to president is reason to rejoice. This is a blessing that was unheard of in centuries past, and in some nations remote from ours even today. We take it for granted, but for most of history, most of the time, either leadership was passed on to a king or emperor's firstborn son, or seized by another through war, strife, murder or bloodshed. Fortunately, this is unknown in our country, in our time, and in many free countries today. You could say it all began with our Constitution.

The peaceful transfer of power every four to eight years --- Thanks be to God! Let us not take it for granted. Let us pray it never changes!
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On January 20, 2009 at 8:28 PM , Paula said...

You are right, we should not take the peaceful transfer of power for granted.
We are a no TV family as well. We occasionally watch a DVD on the computer, but don't even own a regular TV set...
By the way, I finally got around to the picture tag post. That was fun :-)

On January 20, 2009 at 10:24 PM , Lisa said...

That was enlightening - I had never thought of it that way. We only watched a little TV (on my computer) and listened to the radio, which made me feel better. :)

On January 21, 2009 at 10:49 AM , Marjie said...

I neither watched nor listened, because I fear this president will be a disaster for this country. My boys did watch a bit of the inauguration on TV, because we are unique in our voting and transfer of power. Long live and God Bless America!

On January 21, 2009 at 1:50 PM , Marcella said...

I watched the inauguration. I had never watched one before in my life, so I figuerd I should probably watch this one. I am not crazy about the new president either, but I agree, the peaceful transfer of power that happens in this country is a blessing. Despite how I feel about the new president, though, I have to remind myself what God says: Col 1:16 "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him." God is in charge and He knows what He is doing. Somewhere in His word it also says that we should pray for our authorites. I would prefer to sulk and complain and even insult the new president, but instead, I will choose to pray for him and continue to commend him to the Lord and trust that God is in control.

On January 24, 2009 at 10:44 AM , 40winkzzz said...

I agree with you 100%. We adjusted our schoolday and cancelled some of our regular work so that we could watch the inauguration. I am glad we did. No, I am not happy about the new president, but he was being inaugurated whether we watched or not, and having a black president take office is a historic & momentous event no matter how you want to look at it.

Anyone who refused to watch b/c of political differences also missed out on seeing/hearing Rick Warren's wonderful invocation. What a wonderful prayer that was! And to think that we can still invoke the name of Jesus at a presidential inauguration-- wow. I fear that will not be the case forever.