Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:11 PM
While I am not a regular listener to Steve Brown, Etc., I happened to stumble onto his program website this week, and lo and behold, he just did an interview with Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe.

Dr. Ross is the best!

Here is a guy who is an astronomer and astrophysicist, very well educated in the pure sciences, able to discuss in detail ideas and concepts that exist totally outside most of our weak and limited minds.

Here is a guy who was not a believer in Christianity, or any religion, and set about years ago to study the various holy books of the world's religions to see if any of them held up under comparison with what he calls the "scientific record", that is, everything that modern science believes to be factual. And guess what? None of the holy books held up except one - the Holy Bible.

Here is a guy who can explain intelligently how modern science, and the literal, exegetical interpretation of the Bible (yes, including the book of Genesis) are in agreement!! And yes, like myself, Dr. Ross believes the age of the earth is a lot longer than 6,00o years.

I, myself, am a retired electrical engineer with extensive college study in the pure and applied sciences. (Of course, once those pure sciences started to get too difficult for me, I was thankful that my major was in the applied sciences). Regardless, I have an extensive science background. I very much appreciate anybody who can logically articulate the corroboration between modern science and the Bible, and how every new finding of science further cements that agreement. After all, God is the ultimate author of scripture, and He is the creator of the natural universe. Wouldn't they agree?

The first Hugh Ross book I read was The Genesis Question: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis. Well, let me tell you that I wanted to read more and more after this one, although I admit that not all of his books are as easy to read as this one was. This book opened up a new world of appreciation of science for me. I already appreciated the Holy Bible, but now I can approach the topics of science and prehistoric natural history with my children without fear and intimidation.

Anyhow, I highly recommend the materials of Reasons to Believe, including the above book. There are many others to read, if you have the time and the inclination. Also, I recommend this blog (Old Earth Creation Homeschool) which is produced by Theology Mom, a like-minded homeschool mom like myself. (qualification: her mind is more full of good stuff than mine is, I am convinced. I'm just an ordinary violin mom, not Theology Mom).

Just another reminder to all of us that Christians do not need to check their brains at the door!!
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On January 20, 2009 at 1:36 AM , Miller Family said...

I'm glad you posted this. Our oldest son is extremely interested in astronomy and astrophysics and always looking for good reads.