•5:14 PM
This is definitely the coldest day we have ever experienced since we moved in to this house. All day long, despite full sunshine, the temperatures never got out of the 40s. Insane. Can you imagine saving for years for a trip to W*lt Disn*y W*rld to experience 40s and high winds during the afternoon hours? So much for that beautiful hotel swimming pool.
If you live where we do, your kids might find frozen water to be a real novelty. Here little son has picked out an ice chunk from what was his "bird bath" (the small red trailer). This is so cold it hurts, mommy!
Baby Girl prefers the cute little tangerines. She said "awwwww" when she saw this little one.
Tonight is supposed to be even colder than last night was. Winter in Florida.
Did you hear about the 6 ton ice sculpture somebody made in Fairbanks, Alaska? It is a statue of Al Gore shivering! Cute!
If you are serious, I'd just adore the grapefruit. Let me know.
I love that your son found the ice a novelty. I sent my boys and Thor out to play for three hours today, because it warmed up to 30 degrees! Well, it was -2 on Saturday, so everything's relative, right?
And we did get conned into visiting the house of mouse in December one year. I've never been so cold!
Marjie, I left a reply comment on your blog.