This concludes one week of our family being back into the routine of homeschool. I wish our Christmas decorations were already put away but they're not. We have always kept them up until Epiphany as a tradition, and for some reason, Epiphany seems to land right after a weekend. So this Saturday will be the big cleanup day, and although my kids do mourn the dismantling of the Christmas tree (as I did when I was younger) it will feel good to have that extra space left in the family room!
DH has taken it upon himself to rebuild the engine of our tractor. Now for those of you who have read this blog from the beginning, you know about our tractor woes, and how cutting the grass in the summer can stretch out into an all weekend affair. Well, DH promises that this shall be no more, after all his expense, effort, and hours in the garage, and I trust him that he is right. If there is anything he can do, it is to fix up an old engine.
Calvert's fourth grade is definitely harder and more work. On the negative side, they have rewritten their math course for this year, and we encountered the first "disconnect" in that program. We have used Calvert math from Pre-K with Little Son, and although he has had to work hard at it, he has always scored very well on the Calvert A.T.S. tests.
But here in fourth grade, one of the very first concepts has thrown him completely. The concept is converting the "name" of numbers up through the millions. So for example, if they tell you a number is 406 ten thousands, you should be able to convert that to standard number form. This is the first time that I don't feel that Calvert has done an adequate job in teaching this concept, and I have had to take over from there. So, I think he knows it now, but we are out of practice problems for him to demonstrate this skill. We shall see. I hope it isn't an indication of the entire school year!
On the positive side, though, both children love getting up earlier to hear me read and interpret a chapter of the gospel of John for them. They truly
love to hear about the life of Jesus. And we are already enjoying
A Child's History of the World
for world history and Robinson Crusoe for reading. We like the way these books are written, and they have definitely sparked Little Son's interest.
And, blessedness for me, Baby Girl still
loves to do her first grade work, especially math. She just whips through the math pages, and would keep working through the book if I allowed her. This is a huge relief for me!
Admittedly, lessons do take a long time to accomplish fully each day. I begin with Little Son around 8:45 by introducing each subject lesson to him. Then I cut him loose to do his independent work by anywhere between 10:30 and noon. (yesterday it was noon because of a composition and a science experiment). This is the time when I work through the entire lesson with Baby Girl.
But it can still take several hours for Little Son to say he's "finished" with his independent work, mostly due to daudling, having a long lunch in between, and seeking out any interruption that he can. But, at least I am not sitting with him while this happens, so I am maintaining my sanity. Hopefully it will click with him one day that the only way to get the work done is to stay focused and do it!
Oh, and did I mention that we go through a couple of iterations of my marking mistakes and he supplying corrections?
All in all, no complaints here -- I am just adjusting to it all!