Author: Breezy Point Mom
•5:51 PM

May 31, 2011 5:51 p.m.

Don’t you just love pictures?  I do, too, except I haven’t posted that many of them lately.  But I hope to make up for it now.  Here is a photo journal of various doings and highlights over the past several weeks.


How many weeks has it been already?  Our yard Easter egg hunt seems so long ago.


As I recall, it was a beautiful Spring morning.  Spring is pretty much gone already here.   Summer has set in.


Chips is not too old for this yet.  But I don’t know about next year…


Sweet Girl proudly shows off her painted fingernails.  Her hands look so perfect to me. (I am biased).


It was high time we got a new microwave here, one which actually functioned properly.  Self-Reliant Man got on that this month, too.


It amazes me what passes for a mounting bracket these days.


My poor cooktop!!


And here it is.  My kitchen is really looking good now!


Sweet Girl thinks the electric circuit science experiment for Calvert 3rd grade is pretty interesting.



This is our practice session the day before the FSMTA competition in Tallahassee.  That’s our dear Miss O. on piano.  She’s the best.  Unfortunately we were not allowed to take photos or record the actual event.


May 14th: At FSU.  Chips held up the award certificate for me, although he really had higher hopes for that event.


We couldn’t resist this posed photo, although Chips really still wasn’t feeling too happy then.


May 21 was the day we finally celebrated our May 14th SEVENTEENTH wedding anniversary at a certain local French restaurant.  This is a nice tradition I can live with…


…. yes, along with inviting the children to join us for dinner.  We are weird that way.


Miss O. performed a great musical concert at our church on May 22.   She is one busy lady.  She performed violin, electric violin, piano, and here, even accordion (!!!) and kept the crowd happy for over an hour.  This is a terrible photo, but the concert was great fun.  She deserves a break today.


Finally, a bit of daily life around here.  As you know, Sweet Girl just loves to read aloud to anybody who will listen.  Here she is reading to Chips while he sits on the Throne.  Priceless! 

Thanks for taking a look into our house.

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On June 1, 2011 at 9:49 PM , Sarah said...

Love all the photos! I really hope Chips doesn't outgrow Easter Egg hunts. I never did--this year after the children found their eggs my sweet 7 year old hid hers again so I could hunt for them (she was a good hider--I think there were one or two I never did find!)

On June 2, 2011 at 1:08 PM , Liz Tolsma said...

Loved the photo update and thanks for the reminder to check this often as new posts don't show up. I'll have to remember that. I think I'm seeing everything.
Your son does remind me of mine. Brian was born in the north. How about your son?

On June 2, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I believe I remember last years anniversary and you bringing the kids along. I don't think that's weird. I think it's great that they help you celebrate.
Oh and just so you know, my readership and comments are WAY down as well. Like almost nothing compared to a year ago. So I don't think it's you.
Have a beautiful day.

On June 2, 2011 at 10:15 PM , Anonymous said...

My boys are 10 and 13 and I bought Easter eggs for them this year, after several years of having none. It's still fun when they are older. Your daughter has beautiful hands! Happy Anniversary!

On June 3, 2011 at 5:30 PM , Marjie said...

I love your pictures! We have an egg hunt for everyone who's home, and Easter baskets even for the big kids. They never tire of these silly traditions. As for taking the kids to the anniversary dinner, well, they are a huge part of your life as a married couple! I don't understand why anyone would omit them from the celebration. If they are part of anniversary celebrations, I hope they will value marriage much more when they are older, and not treat it like a disposable state of life, as so many people seem to do these days. I know we're of like minds on this point!