Author: Breezy Point Mom
•2:19 PM

March 25, 2011 2:19 p.m.

The weather here has been just exquisite for several days.  We have had all our windows, and even our doors at times, open all day long and into the evening.  We only close them to sleep due to the many noisy dogs in our area.

Our house has a long, cigar-shaped footprint with a screen door, or screen-enclosed area at either end.  So when both ends are open, the afternoon sea breeze that gives Breezy Point its name flows through the entire house.  Yesterday, though, the winds were out of the west, and they were strong.


This is the view through the house, to the other end, looking west through the screen door on the bedroom end of the house.


And this is the view from the breezeway on the other end, looking east.  The house was deliberately positioned east to west to capture the afternoon breezes, and it works well.  Almost too well at times.  I love having the house open.

Here are further images from our lives and lessons…


Sweet Girl starting in on her scrapbooking.


She played ball with me in the front yard.   It was so beautiful.


Netfl*x night here, with new bean bag chairs, designed expressly for kids to “veg” in.


Now this kid knows how to study!


Calvert’s 3rd grade Greek Mythology: I read the story, and Sweet Girl listens.  Except I am not content to simply sit and read.  Rather, I make the story “happen” as I go on the dry- erase board.  Sweet Girl gets a kick out of how I do this.

Happy Spring, everybody!

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On March 28, 2011 at 11:54 AM , Linda said...

I am intrigued by the construction of your house. Our houses tend to be built in the opposite way, to stop draughts at all costs!

On March 29, 2011 at 4:14 PM , Marjie said...

Today is the first time in over a week that it's been above 30, and the boys are down the hill playing basketball with other kids at the school. I would so love to get some springtime weather! We just finished Test 120, and I'm getting itchy to wind down. Of course, we don't suffer the summer's heat the way you do.

Thanks for your kind note about my mother. It's nice to feel the sympathy from someone who might have been a stranger but for Calvert and the cyber-world!