Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:37 PM
March 14, 2011 10:37 p.m.

There is not a single reader of this post, I am sure, who has not gone about their busy days with one ear to the news regarding the people of Japan.  Well, the power of prayer is truly great, and if Japan ever needed prayer, they need it now.  As I was finishing up the last post, I received a news alert here regarding the Fukush*ma Da*ichi Nucl*ar Power Station.  If I read the article properly, it appears that all emergency staff are being withdrawn from the plant.  This is a truly dire situation, and we need the grace of God to mollify the circumstances there.  Lord have mercy on Japan and Asia. 

UPDATE (March 15, 2011 7:06 a.m.): A friend notified me about an information source here (International Atomic Energy Agency) that may be giving a more reliable account of the status of the nuclear power stations there.  It turns out that the Daiiichi plant has not been abandoned, as previously reported, and a fire in unit 4, a major cause of the radiation leak, has been extinguished. 

But mybe ya'll already know that.

That'll teach me to comment on current events before the ink has dried.

Nevertheless, a call to pray.
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