Author: Breezy Point Mom
•6:48 AM
February 6, 2010 7:08 a.m.

I am very pleased and proud to be able to bring you video from yesterday's recital. We were extremely happy and satisfied with Sweet Girl's performance. She played everything cleanly, and did every just as her teacher wanted. I can even see Miss S smiling at the end, which really means something. Please indulge me and check it out!

Below is a video of Chips playing the Accolay Concerto yesterday. He was not so content with his performance, primarily because he didn't get through it without a few "flubs" (as we affectionately call them). But we reminded him that he does still have two weeks before competitions, and he will be satisfied then.

I must add, about Accolay, and all other musical choices he has had for the past couple of years, the following comment. Competitions used to get in our way, taking up months of the year for preparation, drilling and drilling the same few pieces until that date in February, then doing other things until April and then drilling and drilling again for a date in early May. This is all fine, I suppose, except if the music you are drilling is relatively simple, compared to what you are really up to playing, then it does feel somewhat like a waste of time. For several years, his competition piece was very easy compared to all his other music, and the competitions did seem to get in our way.

That is, until a couple of years ago, when our dear teacher, upon realizing this, decided to bump Chips up several levels in the competitions until the competition music truly did become challenging stuff! And that is definitely where we are today. Yes, he is practicing, and drilling, but it is no longer getting in our way. He is really learning from it. And yes, when competing at the state level, he does find himself competing against much older kids (some of them even with mustaches, if you recall) but at least the competitions are pulling him up, not dragging him down.

Enough. Please check him out playing what, to date, has been his most challenging concerto yet.

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On February 6, 2010 at 9:21 AM , Tara said...

I am interested in getting info on the competition. We looked at All-State for my one son. We would have to jump through some hopes with registration since our orchestra is not reconized my them but our conductor is part of it. So he would like to see could go to all state.
Your children did fabulous! It is hard playing all by yourself.

On February 6, 2010 at 1:32 PM , Paula said...

I watched the video with my kids today, and they all loved it. Sweet Girl looks so intense and serious as she plays, you can just see her thinking about everything she is supposed to be doing. They both played beautifully.

On February 7, 2010 at 6:50 AM , Linda said...

Well done to both, and to you Mum, as the home teacher! That was a lovely clear 'O Come Little Children', and the Accolay is a challenging length but you son does a fantastic job with it. Loved the double stopping!

On February 10, 2010 at 10:36 PM , Debbie said...

Your children played so nicely. That is quite the piece your older son is playing. He should be very proud.
Way to go, kids!

On February 12, 2010 at 5:35 PM , Marjie said...

How wonderful for your children that you are dedicated enough to do all of the work needed to give them the opportunity to learn such a complex skill! Hats off to you as much as to them!

On February 12, 2010 at 7:49 PM , 40winkzzz said...

i finally took the time to watch these and enjoyed hearing the music play as i scrolled through catching up on some other posts. both kids did a great job!