Author: Breezy Point Mom
•12:54 PM
... and I am feeling a bit daunted. While it is true that I was excited to see the Calvert fourth grade box arrive this month, and there are parts that we are looking forward to, I am concerned. The workload looks ---- well ---- daunting. Fourth grade is when Calvert hits that accelerator pedal, when things begin to get serious. I can see there is a significant difference from third grade. We cannot wait to dig into A Child's History of the World, and the reading selections. But I can see that composition is going to be more intense. Don't get me wrong, because I know that the challenges of fourth grade are what distinguish Calvert's curriculum from so many others. It's just....that....well, now that we are here, now that we have arrived at fourth grade, I am very mindful of the challenges that lie immediately before us.

Some good news is that Baby Girl has already proceeded about 15 lessons into first grade, and she really likes it. Her skills in the three R's are already quite well developed, so much of our labor will be lightened for first grade. For this I am grateful.

Now I will be teaching fourth grade to Little Son, and first grade to Baby Girl. We will be doing school lessons for a much longer time than we are used to. We will need to begin earlier in the day, say, 8:30. I will need to focus better on time management, and spend less time on the internet. In short, I will need to live a more disciplined lifestyle than I have been living lately.

My morning routine goal will be for me to rise, tend to the dog, do my personal morning tasks, have my quiet time, and be ready to serve the children by around 7:45 each day. Then at 7:45, do Bible and/or catechism with the children, have them do their morning responsibilities at 8:00, and eat breakfast at 8:15. And if this doesn't allow enough time for everything, then we will move the start time of the children's schedule to 7:30.

Change is difficult. We are not used to getting up and going so early. I have been coaching the children a little about this during their break. This change will require prayer. I will need to become a more prayerful person this year to effectively meet all the challenges that 2009 will produce.

One thing I have done is to purchase a Christmas present for myself. It is called the Beautiful Life Management System by GraceWorks. I did splurge on this planner, but I am hoping that it will help me to keep house a little better and to keep up with details that I have let slip in recent years. But a planner is not a magic wand. The word of the year is going to have to be "pray".

We are beginning our school year on Friday, with lesson one. This is a day when there are no scheduled events, activities, or violin lessons away from home. I will let you know how it goes.
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On December 31, 2008 at 2:09 PM , Sandy said...

We're going to have to be up earlier, too. I'm not sure how it's going to go. I'm already planning on needing a nap the first few days. ;)

On December 31, 2008 at 5:58 PM , Lisa said...

I like how your word of the year is going to be pray. My boys and I have started keeping prayer journals this year to start our mornings with prayer. It's really helped us focus and be more prayerful.

On January 2, 2009 at 4:49 PM , Marjie said...

The first 20 lessons ease you into the composition. It's not as hard to settle into as you might think, really! We only got to Lesson 70 before we shut down for Christmas break - with all the older sibs home from college, how could I make the boys work? We restart on Monday with gusto. Since your son's been in Calvert from the beginning, I know he'll settle right into 4th grade. Yes, it's worrisome when you first see everything in the box - and even the second time around - but you'll just love it in no time. Besides, the reading is so boy friendly in the beginning of the course, he'll just be eating it up! Happy New Year!