Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:12 PM
That is correct. We just mailed the final test in on Friday. Little Son has successfully completed Lesson 160 of Calvert School's Third Grade course. Now we take that long awaited break time that I often thought (and dreamed) about during the long hot summer weeks. I took some time after he finished his test to organize his papers and close the cover of the big 2 inch heavy duty three ring binder that contains his third grade portfolio. I felt pride and satisfaction over his completing this challenging course, and yet there was a tinge of sadness. Third grade seems to be the end of the young "primary" grades in my mind, and fourth grade seems so "old".

Fourth grade will begin for us after New Year's Day, and it will provide a much heavier workload than third grade did. But there are many things to look forward to. History will feature A Child's History of the World by Virgil Hillyer. I have heard so many good things about this book since I first planned to homeschool, and we will finally discover what it is all about. My bloggy friend over at Modern Day Ozzie and Harriet has given me a glimpse into the older Calvert years, and for that I am grateful, because I do not know anybody in person who is using Calvert at a level above third grade.

I am extremely proud of Little Son for coming this far and loving learning all along the way.

Baby Girl has begun First Grade, and I will continue to school her between now and New Year's. She says she "loves school" and she is doing fine with her first grade course so far.

I am so thrilled and thankful for what the homeschool lifestyle has already done for our family. I would not trade this experience for anything!

My next personal goal is to sit down and figure out how best to spend all the remaining "free time" I will have over the next six weeks. I want to use that time to the best advantage to prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and take care of errands (and dental work!) that I have put off for far too long.

It's the "most wonderful time of the year" alright!
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On November 17, 2008 at 6:16 PM , Marjie said...

Oh, you two should very much enjoy 4th grade! First up you'll read Robinson Crusoe, then Mighty Men & Famous Legends, which dovetail nicely with that section of history. The Child's History of the World is, in my humble opinion, one of the crown jewels of Calvert's 4th grade. Congratulations on finishing up third grade; you must both be very proud.