Author: Breezy Point Mom
•7:45 PM
This week I’d like to invite you to share what YOUR “Mom” help is. Some drink coffee, soda, or chia-tea. Others check email or read their favourite blogs. Some talk a walk…. what do you do when you need to clear your head and take a breather?
Scripture Share:
Please share a Scripture that gives you a “mom” help when you’re spirit is feeling overwhelemed.
Over the years, I have sought solace in different activities. Past stress relievers have included listening to music, taking a drive in the country, snacking (yup - sad but true), or calling a friend on the phone. It depended upon my circumstances and the season of my life.
So in my current, "homeschool mommy" life, I clear my head by checking emails, responding to them, and following my favorite blogs. Also, I like to read during any downtime I have programmed into my day. My children are ages 5 and 8, and I have tried to schedule some downtime into every weekday - approximately 3 p.m., the hour that I call "quiet time". Each child retires to his/her room to read or nap, and I take that hour to grab a snack or beverage and settle down to read in my favorite recliner, porch rocker, or at the breezeway table. When I can, I call my dearest and favorite buddies just to check on them, hear their voice and gain some inspiration, have some laughs, or offer support in their daily challenges.
On Tuesdays, when my children are at their P.E. program, I am blessed with three hours of rejuvenation time. During this time, I might walk around the park enjoying the beautiful fall weather, read scripture and pray, read a book, listen to an interesting radio talk show, do some shopping, or any combination thereof.
It is difficult to select a single scripture that reminds me of my blessings during stressful times. One scripture that comes to mind is "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28.
Another scriptrure is when Jesus teaches us not to worry and says: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33.
Finally, there is the promise of the wisdom that we need as parents: "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:1-5.
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On November 16, 2008 at 8:35 PM , SmallWorld at Home said...

"It depended upon my circumstances and the season of my life." That is SO true. I usually find that what works one year doesn't necessarily work the next!

On November 16, 2008 at 11:03 PM , Paula said...

I love the scripture from Matthew that you shared.
The idea of quiet time every afternoon is one that I wish I could implement. With children 5, 3 and almost 1 quiet is in short supply!

On November 17, 2008 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. The pic was taken (not by me) in Anchorage, AK. It reminded me of my hometown during winter. I live south of the snow level now so it's either nostalgic or a reminder of how I don't want to go through all that again. :-D Depends on my mood.