Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:11 PM

April 6, 2011 4:11 p.m.

Hi everybody, and thank you for praying for Sweet Girl!  She had a pretty restful night last night, once I got her to bed (around midnight) and appeared comfortable whenever I checked on her.  The oral prednisone helped her a lot.

I took her to her pediatrician today, and she listened to her chest – still heard some mild wheezing, so she wanted me to continue the nebulizer for a couple more days.  But after looking at her past records (she has had just 2 or 3 illnesses with wheezing through the years) she views this asthma situation as somewhat isolated, and doesn’t think we will need to continue on with asthma meds (or nebulizer) after Friday.  In fact, she said she probably won’t have to come back again until her well visit in the summer, unless she takes an unexpected bad turn in the next couple of days.

So, Sweet Girl feels better, and that means I feel better.  She has been more active all day today, but this afternoon it caught up with her and now she is napping.  I am very thankful for the progress she has made over the past 24 hours.  Things are looking much better today than they did yesterday.

So neat that there are so many readers in the blogosphere who pray and care!  Thank you!

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On April 6, 2011 at 11:30 PM , Tara said...

I just read what sweet girl and yoiur family has been through. My prayers for you all. We deal with asthma in the fall mostly, can be so scary. Glad her the treatments are working thatt is a huge praise.
Will keep praying!

On April 7, 2011 at 4:53 PM , Linda said...

So glad to hear that things are improving. Asthma does seem to come and go. My son had a few episodes round about the age of 8, and then seemed to leave it behind, only for it to return last year when he got mumps at the age of 19 (despite having been immunised). It's now going away again through a regime of exercise. I hope for your and Sweet Girl that it will very definitely go.