Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:01 PM
April 2, 2011 10:01 p.m.The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week...
When I have time, I am cutting and pruning vines, cabbage palms, low hanging branches, and tall weeds in various places around our yard.  This is a never ending job, and even though I spend hours doing it, a casual observer cannot tell I have done anything.  However, I mustn’t let that deter me.

In our homeschool this week...
Sweet Girl completed her third test set in Calvert School’s third grade course.  We made the decision to split her test over two days’ time, and it made everything much more relaxed.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Monday evening brings a Mom’s meeting with one of my homeschool fellowship groups.  Tuesday brings kickball (P.E.) with the other homeschool fellowship.  Wednesday brings an early morning chapel performance for Chips and his friend, J, at a local Lutheran school.  They will play the same hymns they played at the talent night and dinner theatre.  Then, hopefully, things will slow down toward week’s end.

My favorite thing this week was...
Seeing the children performing their little hearts out at our church dinner theatre last night (April 1st).  It was an entertaining, hunger satisfying, and exciting time for all who were involved.  I hope to post more videos of this event soon.

What's working/not working for us...
My staying off the internet until one o’clock every weekday has been helpful in allowing us to get done with lessons at a reasonable time.  I have also enjoyed, very much, keeping up with Chips’ literature, history, science, and geography reading, even though they are those dread textbooks.  I am particularly enjoying geography, now, as we are doing some in-depth learning of all the eastern hemisphere countries.  Yesterday, I read about Israel. 
Sweet Girl’s social studies textbook is turning out to be a little more enjoyable than I expected it would be.  When I first saw it, I wanted to barf  was dismayed, to say the least, but I guess it is because I had such low expectations of this subject that I am enjoying it all the more.  Strange…
What’s not working is the internet being “down” when we have extended rainstorms, as we did on Wednesday and Thursday.  We went 24 hours without functional internet service, and it put my students behind on the online portion of their work.  Chips is behind by about 7 videos.   I hate having to rely on a robust internet connection for homeschool, especially when we don’t have such a connection!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I am always thinking ahead to the day when we start high school.  And as I think, and peruse websites, the Potter’s School Classical Track is becoming more and more attractive to me all the time.  But I still have plenty of time to make this decision.
I also really agreed with this post over at Old Earth Creation Homeschool blog.  We cannot rely on the magic textbook for the high school subjects.  Our students are young enough that they still need more guidance.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
None other than our son, Chips, in his performance here yesterday evening.  We still cannot believe what we hear and see, and we are so proud of him and his on stage poise and confidence, no matter the size of the crowd.  The Lord has really given him a gift!
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On April 2, 2011 at 11:21 PM , Eileen Marie Miller said...

Potter's school looks great. I wanted to sign my to be seventh grader up next year but we can't afford it. Keep me updated if you join. The Old Earth Creation HS post is very interesting. If you glance at my website, you will note that just as important for our older kids to be challenged - our younger kids need to be nurtured by parents. Maybe school starts too young for kids. Anyway, my children have all been homeschooled thru ninth grade. We were fortunate to have them attend good private high schools. The exposure to good teachers is a great blessing. It was homeschooling that kept them virtuous though. I wouldn't choose public schools for high school. They are also unisex schools. Boys and girls are different.

On April 3, 2011 at 4:00 AM , Unknown said...

Hi. I am stopping by from the homeschool mothers journal linky. i agree about the internet getting in the way of schooltime. i finally made a deal with myself that during the weekdays it was before the kids got up or after they went to bed. that way their waking hours they have my attention, as it is so easy for jsut 5 minutes to turn into 20 or 60 or more! as much as i LOVE blogging; it is important to have days where we unplug ourselves and our children cell, no pc, no tv, do an outside lesson....bliss! please come by my blog brighton park, and say hello!

On April 4, 2011 at 5:15 PM , Marjie said...

I am happy that Ryan's in our local high school, but I have to say that (a) I put him in all honors courses, and (b) ours is the most affluent school district in our quarter of the state, so the expectations of the parents are higher than other places. I also plan to have Ryan taking AP courses, which culminate with an exam that gives them college credit in that course, to give him a jump on college. I think it's important that he learn to deal with other kinds of people, different faiths and abilities and whatnot, but this school is controlled enough. High school is a very difficult choice, and I'm sure my choice would be much different if I lived in a place where the educational system is not as good as it is here.

I'm glad you're enjoying the new Calvert Social Studies. I really don't know why they changed it; I liked the program that my boys (and your son) had. Do they still have the Child's History of the World in 4th grade?