Author: Breezy Point Mom
•11:07 PM
March 29, 2010 11:19 p.m.

If you are ever driving behind a garbage truck, keep this in mind.

You could be happily driving behind it, minding your own business, on your way to work in the morning. It could be a major thoroughfare; a six lane highway, such as Alfalfa Trail.

The truck in front of you could pass by a stuffed garbage can, and not realize it until it has driven an addition 150 feet or so. The driver might not have any way of notifying you that it missed a trash can and wants to get closer to it, now, to pick up the trash. At that point, it could stop, suddenly, in its lane in traffic. After a few seconds, it could begin to back up. You might immediately honk your horn to announce your presence behind it, but the driver might not hear you. It might just continue to back up. You might try to shift your vehicle into reverse, but before being able to do so, the truck might have smooshed your front bumper and hood. Or even worse. At that moment, thankfully, the driver might realize that something is resisting his backing motion. He might stop, get out, and look behind the truck. Or he might have his buddy do it.

If this should happen, do not hesitate to call the police to the scene. And make sure the officer reminds the driver how he is required, driving such a truck, to refrain from backing up until he has sent his buddy behind the truck to make sure all is clear.

Yes, this did happen to Self-Reliant Man last week. And yes, the lowest estimate he got was for the repair was $3000. I am just so thankful that the driver realized his error when he did, and not later. I am also thankful that the business that employs these garbage trucks has good insurance.

This has been a public safety announcement.
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