Author: Breezy Point Mom
•3:41 PM
This week please post what your planned homeschool routine is. The theme banner should give you some ideas on how to do that. I had fun making that and adding in real info (except for the times! lol).

When you’re done posting your routines please share your prayers for this school year, and then sign the linky so others can visit.

Our routine for weekdays is roughly as follows. This is a goal for the day, and doesn't hold together as I intend many days, but I'll never give up trying!

6:15 I'm up when DH is getting ready for work. I take this time to chat with DH, read, check email, today's news, and sometimes sit on the front porch listening to the roosters with my mug of java and read and/or pray.

7:40 Read and discuss Scripture with whichever child is up to the idea at this time. This is usually just Little Son. Baby Girl is not a morning person.

8:00 Everybody is up and doing morning responsibilities

8:40 Breakfast

9:00 Begin school lessons. Work with Little Son on Calvert for about 2 hours, then cut him loose to finish his independent work. The independent work can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours depending on everybody's frame of mind.

~ 11:00 Begin lessons with Baby Girl. This has been taking one hour, but when we start Calvert First Grade, it will expand to about 2 or 2-1/2 hours.

Somewhere between 1:00 and 2:00 Break for Lunch

2:00 Correct Little Son's independent work and have him make changes as needed. Then, free time for everybody, or playing time / swimming pool time. Free time has been known not to materialize, however, until as late as 4:00 depending on how long Little Son's independent work takes.

3:00 "official" one hour quiet time for mommy. Sometimes Baby Girl still takes a nap before dinner time.

4:00 catch up on house chores, laundry, or whatever wasn't accomplished in the morning. Sometimes, just play chess or go outside with one or more children.

5:00 begin dinner

6:00 or so, eat dinner, depending on when DH gets home.

7:00 - 8:00 cleanup, odds and ends, work through violin practice with both children. I just haven't had the heart to get this accomplished with the children any earlier in the day. ** long deep sigh **

8:30 - 9:00 free time with Daddy, family read aloud time, catechism time, and sometimes (about once a week) a N*tflix video.

9:30 - 10:00 Kids in bed (yes - this late!) After this is time for DH and I.

Now there are several outside activities that come into this schedule, altering our Monday through Wednesday schedule.

Monday: Violinathon. Leave home at 1:00 for private lessons with Miss S at 1:45. Leave her home and drive to music school for Baby Girl's group class at 3:30, then Little Son's 4:00 ensemble / trio / music theory class. Return home by around 6:00. This is usually a very mentally and physically taxing afternoon pour moi.

Tuesday: "Saints" P.E. class. Leave home at 12:15. Kids enjoy P.E. class until 4, arrive back home around 4:45. This is when I have some free time to spend either at the park where my kids will be, or doing an errand. I look forward to this!!

Wednesday: Kids eat supper at 5:00 and I drive them to AWANA by 5:45. This leaves a couple of hours for DH and I to either eat fast food out, or eat at home quietly together.

Once a month our homeschool fellowship group schedules an outing together - either a field trip or a craft day hosted at our home.

My prayer for this upcoming academic year is that the Lord will preserve and grow the heart of this teacher-mom so that my focus is where God wants it to be, where it should be, at all times. I pray for passion, self-discipline, vision, and strength as my children grow into more advanced academics and an increase in workload!
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On September 6, 2008 at 8:29 AM , Sherry said...

Wow, you have a full routine and schedule! :D I love listening to the violin. My children do piano though.

On September 6, 2008 at 11:14 PM , Paula said...

I enjoy reading your posts. I don't think you mentioned when you do your violin practice--do you fit that in with schoolwork?