Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:11 PM

Meet Bear Blanket. He is Baby Girl's true love. He was received as a gift early in Baby Girl's life. I don't remember exactly, but he was a gift from Baby Girl's great aunt for either her baptism or her first Christmas. When Baby Girl was just learning to talk, she called him "Bup-i-dat", but eventually corrected it to Bear Blanket, although Mommy still refers to him fondly as Bup-i-dat from time to time.

When Baby Girl first came to our family, from Korea, she did not suck her thumb, as many babies do. Rather, she sucked on the side of her hand, where the base of the thumb and the side of her wrist meet. To this day, that is her nocturnal comforting action of choice. Except, Bear Blanket has long since become an integral part of the comfort.

He is the reason that Baby Girl sleeps soundly through the night, every night, and has done so since she was a baby. He is the reason that Baby Girl never minds going down for naps when they are needed, and she still does from time to time. He is the reason that she has always settled down nicely in the car when we have had to interrupt her nap to go somewhere. He has seen her through many nights in strange places, like hotel rooms, grandpa's house, and camping tents / van.
I have to give Bear Blanket a lot of credit. As a transitional object, he has definitely stepped up to the plate and done a great job. Plus, I think he's pretty cute!
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On September 24, 2008 at 5:11 PM , Marjie said...

My Kellie has a puffalump mouse named Ning Ning. He didn't look Chinese to me, but I don't know a lot about the ethnicity of mice, either. Anyway, he has gone everywhere with her - cross country, the Smithsonian, Mt. Vernon, JFK Space Center, and now, to college. Cass has Grey Bear (whose name is not as amusing); it's so nice that they have continuity in these comfort items! Your daughter is precious!