Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:03 PM
February 27, 2011 4:03 p.m.
We made our vacation plans for this year already.  We will travel in September, as is usual for us.  I found out about this huge campground on the beach at M*rtle Be*ch, So*th Carol*na.  It is called Oce*n Lak*s Family Campground and it looks to be fantastic.  It has more activities to do than any RV park we have ever visited, and we have been to many.  If you recall, we saw RV parks much of the way across America last September when we made our van camping trip to Mamm*th Cave, the Badl*nds, Mount Rushm*re, the Bl*ck Hills, Dev*ls Tower, the Be*rtooth Highway, Yell*wstone, the Grand Tet*ns, and Rocky Mo*ntain National Park. 

This year we are staying closer to home, only a day’s drive northeast of here.  This campground has all sorts of amenities and is still reasonable – camping fee for a paved site will be only $44 a night plus taxes, and we get access to everything they have.  What a deal!!  This is true Breezy Point style.

The campsite we reserved is in this photo.  Look between the pool and the ocean.  Count three sites “up” (toward the ocean) and three sites to the right and that will be where we will be living for a whole week in September.

Yippee!  We are excited.  Come September!
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