Author: Breezy Point Mom
•8:18 AM
Did anybody catch this story this week? Apparently, there was a visit to the WH for this winning basketball team to meet with the Prez. Which is normal, except apparently it is not normal for the mainstream press to be excluded and for a White House controlled and prepared media release be the only coverage allowed for this event.

I just have a real problem with information control, no matter who it is coming from, but especially so in this case.

I think it is very creepy. I mean, scary, and it appears many of the commenters have picked up on its significance even if ABC itself doesn't appear to.
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On May 22, 2009 at 5:50 PM , Sandy said...

I think what bothers me the most about this is that we thought the American system of government, with it's checks and balances, would keep this kind of thing from happening. Obviously not. He is doing all of this within the bounds of the law, at least as far as we know.