Author: Breezy Point Mom
•6:10 PM
How's it going? You mean the New Plan? The NP? The four day per week screen time fast?

I'm glad you asked.

First of all, the reason I am reporting on it, is that I have been completely successful so far in living by my NP. I went last Thursday and Friday, and this past Monday and Tuesday without spending any time on the Internet. That's not to say I did not spend any time on the computer, though. It turned out that both of my children had online math and computer skills lessons (through Calvert School) on some of these days, and I helped get them connected to their lessons. I also had a dear friend over on Friday, and I helped her find some websites of interest while she was here. But other than that, I was good good GOOD!

What have I discovered so far?

I discovered that I am actually beginning to look forward to the screen time fast days. These days have required me to be more creative about my spare minutes. Normally, if I had 5 or 10 minutes of spare time, I'd sit down in front of the computer without even thinking if there might be a more worthy alternative. But now that the Internet was off limits, I had to think about better uses for those windows of time.

Here are a few things I did instead...

1. Wrote two letters. Yes, letters, as in pens and stationary. It felt weird, but it felt good, too. I had rediscovered the art of letter writing, and I was proud of my small accomplishment.

2. Began working on The Global Puzzle with Little Son. We had this around a long time, and it was beyond my son's emotional capabilities to put this puzzle together by himself. We are now enjoying doing it together as a team.

3. Kept up with decluttering the house better than normal.

4. Had the laundry folded and put away before Daddy got home from work.

5. Got more reading done. I always have a stack of books I want to get to but never do. I actually even got a chance to read an article in The Old Schoolhouse magazine.

6. Took a walk with the kids to the mailbox and back (0.4 miles round trip).

And that was in just four days of screen time fasting. Imagine the possibilities for the rest of my life... I think there is a message here somewhere.

I'll continue to let you know how it goes, but no earlier than Saturday!

Peace to you.
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