Author: Breezy Point Mom
•7:03 PM

I so long for the simple life, and I wonder what month it shall begin. It seems that there is a gushing cascade of activities coming up, tumbling down upon us, splashing weekend over weekend and disappearing down the river of the next several months.

But I have decided that the simple life is never going to arrive unless I reduce the screen time in my life. So this is the New Plan (NP). No non-essential computer time on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Period. Catch up on the other days. No internet shopping on those days, either. If the book looks really interesting, and I just have to order it . .. .. .. . well, if it still isn't interesting in three days, then I certainly didn't need it. I have already ordered books on a whim, and forgotten completely about them until they arrived in my mailbox. The NP should help that.

I have already frittered away precious spare time in my life, one hour at a time. The NP should help that, too. Oh, and I have whined that I don't have any spare time in the same week.

With the NP, when I do have a spare minute or two, rather than tapping the mouse to wake up the monitor, I will instead think about all those little things that I intend to get to around the house, but never do. Or I will simply read more books and fewer online news articles. This controls the rate of flow of information into my brain, limiting it to a manageable amount, that I can actually process it and respond if appropriate.

With the NP, maybe I won't be such an attention deficit mom. Web surfing was causing my head to spin as I followed impulse upon impulse down alleyway after dark alleyway.

It was frightful.

So we shall see.

I hope that through cutting back and scaling down my electronic media consumption, I shall at last attain a glimpse of the simple life, once and for all!

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On February 22, 2009 at 12:14 AM , Paula said...

I think I should follow your plan.