Author: Breezy Point Mom
•1:02 PM

January 21, 2011 1:02 p.m.


That’s right.  Our annual pre-Federation recital is scheduled for this evening.  Sweet Girl will be performing two solo pieces, and Chips will be performing two solo pieces, as well as two duet pieces with another boy.  Should be a loooooonnnnngggg recital, but we are looking forward to it.  Maybe videos soon?

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On January 22, 2011 at 7:13 AM , Linda said...

Oh I hope it went well. That's a lot of music your two have had to get up for the event.
We have just had the annual music scholars' recital at school. My daughter played the slow movement of the 1st Bruch violin concerto (from memory in good Suzuki style!) and a set of contrasting Scottish pieces on the clarsach. No videos tho. I will look forward to seeing yours. I'm sure the progress your children have made since the last video you posted will be obvious.