Author: Breezy Point Mom
•2:52 PM
January 19, 2011  2:52 p.m.

Did I ever tell all of you that I have the best readers ever?  Well, I do.
For example, just within the past few months these are some of the nice things my readers have done for me:
  • Lois and her family from The Prairie Family Chronicles actually took time out one day in September to meet our family on the afternoon we drive through her town.  What a fine afternoon that was!

  • Linda in Scotland at Occasional Scotland knows that we enjoy good children’s literature and “read-alouds”, and she has shipped books to my children on two separate occasions, all the way from Scotland.  I am appreciative of her generosity toward us!

  • Marjie at Modern Day Ozzie and Harriet continues to encourage and entertain me with the most insightful, thoughtful, and often witty comments.  She knows some things about my everyday life, being another Calvert Mom and owner of a sweet and adorable huge doggie.  Thanks, Marjie!

  • A college friend in Pennsylvania who recently read about Chips’ interest in postage stamps sent him several stamps from foreign countries.  Thanks, C.W.!

  • A high school friend (yes, you read that right, and high school is a long time ago) who recently read about the Palm Pilot that Chips never got through Amazon (but got a violin bow instead) has just shipped him a free one that she found in her house yesterday.  To quote a popular expression: how “cool” is that?  Thanks, S.G.!
And others of you, and you know who you are, continue to be faithful readers, even when I have days, weeks (months?) of creativity block.  I am amazed and appreciative of you, too.  Who says virtual friends aren’t “real” friends!?!?!  I beg to differ.
So, what do you think?  I may not have that many readers, but …… do I have the BEST READERS EVER or what? 
Thankful for you!
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On January 19, 2011 at 7:06 PM , Anonymous said...

We love your family! :)

On January 22, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Linda said...

You are most welcome. I love your blog!