Author: Breezy Point Mom
•8:37 PM

December 8, 2010 8:37 p.m.


It’s that time of year again and it means that most of you will laugh at me as I complain about the bitter cold Florida temperatures.  You can just hear it now, “yada yada yada.  Isn’t she pathetic?”  I can hear you.

But seriously, folks.  You just can’t call it normal when one week it is 84 and the next week the temps are dipping into the 30s at night. 

Or when it was below freezing for 5-6 hours last night, and we had no running water in our home this morning due to the freezing well water pipes. 

Or when the prediction for the early morning temperature next Tuesday is 22 degrees.

Or when a friend of ours observes a morning temperature (today) of 29 degrees and offers to pay $20 to his teenage daughter if she jumps into the pool.   And she does it.  (now this you’ve got to see.  Look here.)

No, seriously, it just isn’t normal.  It just isn’t. 

If you are experiencing unusual early December weather, won’t you please leave a comment so I don’t feel so …. alone?

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On December 9, 2010 at 8:48 AM , Liz Tolsma said...

We aren't experiencing anything unusual for December, but highs this week have been in the low 20's with wind chills around zero. Next week, highs will be hard pressed to reach 10. But we are used to it and don't have frozen pipes. That's not good. My advice: cuddle duds. They're like long underwear, only silky and not bulky. I have mine on and am toasty warm, even though it's about 11 degrees right now!

On December 9, 2010 at 12:40 PM , Marjie said...

I hang curtains over the insides of my back doors for the winter, to block the draft, but rarely have to do it before Jan. 1. They've been up a week, and we have yet to reach 25 this week. None of us is pleased about this weather, and poor Thor is just going nuts because it's too cold to patrol his fence line to be sure nothing needs a good barking.

On the plus side, Binghamton, 53 miles north of me, had 22" of snow yesterday and we had nothing. So aside from knowing my heat bill will be higher than usual for December, at least I'm saving on the plowing bill.

Would you like me to package up some snow and ship it to you when we get it, so you'll remember what you're missing? I could include my little guy's essay on how to build a snowman, so you'll remember that, too. Oh, wait, there's a reason you moved to Florida. To avoid this white stuff. Stay warm!

On December 9, 2010 at 1:41 PM , Paula said...

I felt the same way when temperatures dropped in California. There's a big difference between freezing temperatures in places where winter is always cold--the houses are built differently, for starters. People dress differently. And I think our bodies adjust to the "normal" temperatures so when something is outside the norm--colder or hotter--we're not as well prepared.