Author: Breezy Point Mom
•9:04 PM
September 27, 2010 9:05 p.m.

Day 2 was Sept. 5, 2010.

We woke up in Forsyth, Georgia.  The odometer read 25,520.  We had to feed the Sprinter $64 worth of diesel.

Today was an all time record for our family!  We got on the road around 7:15 a.m. (this, after eating a pre-sunrise breakfast at the picnic table).

It was a rare pleasure to drive straight through downtown Atlanta with very light traffic.

As we entered the moutains around Chattanooga, I especially enjoyed watching the altitude indication on the GPS as we rose 1000 feet in altitude within a few miles.  We ate our lunch over 2000 feet altitude at the Monteagle rest stop.  The weather was gorgeous -- not a cloud in the sky, dry, and in the 70s.  We continued on toward Nashville, Music City.  Throughout this segment of the trip, we enjoyed playing Mad Libs, reading aloud, and learning the catechism, although the scenery was often too lovely to be missed.

Chips has a job on this trip.  He maintains a food inventory for all the breakfast, lunch, snack and drink items we keep in the back of the Sprinter van.  So in the half hour before a planned eating stop, he takes orders, writes them down on paper, and then fills the orders after we park.  It is part of our plan to be time efficient, and so far it has helped. 

Lunch stop in Tennessee.  The weather is beautiful, so different from home right now.  Chips is checking out butterflies.
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