Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:19 PM
July 9, 2010 10:19 p.m.

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have blogged.  So many things have been going on, and we are so out of our normal routine, as well.  I suppose this is one of those posts that call for photos and captions.

Let's see.  What's this again?  Oh, Chips is always coming up with his own experiments in electricity.  This one was an LED connected to two button cells and two magnets.  Voila!  The LED glows, but unfortunately my camera flash was too bright to show it.

World's longest lasting Christmas Wreath.  I thought that July 2nd was long enough this year, what about you?  I have to say it still looked good, though.  The children helped themselves to the decorations, but the rest ended up in our fire pit.

After six years, we finally put our Black Forest cuckoo clock back on the wall.  This clock was a wedding gift to us from my husband's uncle.  Self-Reliant Man cleaned up the insides and added some lubricant.  Now we enjoy the chiming very much.  It is quite a novelty to the children, since they don't remember it when it was up in our previous house.

 We witnessed the transformation of four monarchs this month.  My husband's boss's boss went on vacation and couldn't tend to them, so he gave them to us.  All four of them matured healthy and whole, and have since flown away somewhere, to the great satisfaction of our family.

I can sleep soundly at night, now, knowing that if all h*** breaks loose, and the End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It takes place, at least our family will be set for toilet paper for awhile.  Who knows?  We could probably barter a roll for a tank of gasoline.

 A month ago, we went to visit my MIL.  Here, Chips is sharing his musical gift with a small audience at her nursing home.  It was very calming...

... and it's a good thing I felt calm, because I met up with a space alien that evening at the campground pool!

Our dear friend from church finished up our mother-daughter apron set.  We are using them often together.  Aren't they great?

Self-Reliant Man wanted another Stetson for Father's Day, and he got one.  How 'bout that?  He was a very pleased man.  So was Chips a pleased son.

Highlight of the Month Award goes to Self-Reliant Man's prize for twenty productive years with the company.  He selected from a catalog of gifts that included consumer electronics, an air compressor, jewelry, home decorating items, a propane fire pit, and THIS.  He chose (without my influence at all) this Premium Belgian Waffle Maker.  Wow - what fun!  So friends, for the next several months if you come to visit me, you're getting waffles.  Don't believe it? Then just try me.  Self-Reliant Man now happily makes all kinds of huge, perfect waffles......

.... and Chips chips in his cooking expertise.

 The results are a crunchy and fluffy culinary delight!

Finally, we just completed a week of Music Camp at our church.  There were sixty campers ranging in age from 5 to 13.  They all experienced chorus and Orff classes together.  They also got to select one of the following instruments to learn during the week: classical guitar, harp, or tone chimes.  Our kids did tone chimes, and they loved them, perhaps more than anything else.
But Orff class was a close second.  That looked like a lot of fun.  I would have loved to participate, except I had other duties to tend to during the camp.

Sweet Girl played a metallophone.

Chips played the bass xylophone.  It was a very memorable week for them!
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On July 9, 2010 at 10:35 PM , Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Wow! That is the longest lasting wreath EVER. I bet your fire pit smelled wonderful after you started burning it.
Love the aprons. Giggled at the supply of toilet paper. LOL! And I'll be over Monday morning for waffles. Hee! Hee!
Have a fabulous weekend.

On July 10, 2010 at 7:47 AM , Anonymous said...

That music camp looks great! I know we'd enjoy one of those waffle makers too--I can just smell those yummy waffles now......

On July 10, 2010 at 8:34 AM , Heidi said...

Looks like lots of fun stuff going on at your house! I love the aprons!

On July 10, 2010 at 9:33 AM , Tara said...

Looks like you have been having a great beginning to summer. I need a supply of toilet paper like that in my home. Love the aprons my daughter would love that idea, matter of fact my boys also.
Music camp looked like a lot of fun!
Enjoy summer and the children. Blessings

On July 10, 2010 at 8:39 PM , Tara said...

It was through MAYS. Really truely did excede our expectations.

On July 11, 2010 at 2:46 PM , Marjie said...

You're a busy, busy lady! Love the aprons; your little girl looks so pleased with herself (as she did in the original photo). And hunt through my blog for my waffle recipe. You can make a batch and it stays good for about 5 days, if you don't want to make it new every day. Of course, it doesn't last that long here. We use the same TP, delivered on a schedule by Amazon. I really hate racing out because we've run out of something necessary and dull like Scott 1000, don't you?

On July 11, 2010 at 5:21 PM , Linda said...

And I thought I was the world's greatest buyer of toilet paper. We are soul-mates, evidently.

Love the matching aprons and stetsons. And that is a serious waffle maker. We have a tiny-by-comparison Norwegian one. You must post a photo of a finished waffle to show the size.

And you had clarsachs at your music camp!

Thanks for the info about your coquina covered houses. We protect against the weather, and you protect against cannon balls.

On July 11, 2010 at 11:14 PM , Liz Tolsma said...

Thanks for the comments you left on my blog. If you'd like any advice on things to see or do or places to stay or eat, please let me know. You can email me at If I don't get back to you in a few days, leave another comment and I'll figure out another way for you to contact me.
Looks like you've been busy!