Author: Breezy Point Mom
•5:08 PM
 June 1, 2010 5:07 p.m.

The title of this post might seem mysterious until I tell you that on Wednesday of last week, I began to wear an orthodontic retainer, after not having visited an orthodontist in 29 years.  Now those of you who remember what it is to experience orthodontics need no further explanation.  But for the rest of you..

It all sounds so simple, you see.  You are handed an innocuous looking clear plastic devices that presumably is custom made to fit.  You are told to simply "wear the retainer 24/7 for two weeks, only removing it to eat.  Then after two weeks, you may wear it only at night.  Any questions?"

"Oh no, of course not," I think to myself; after all, how difficult can that be?  But as I smile a reply, I can't help noticing that this plastic device seems to not quite fit as comfortably as I expected it to (hoped it would).  So, I usher my children out the door and we head home.

Except that a few hours later, I realize that I have become short-tempered and grouchy and my sinful nature is becoming more evident than usual.  And as hour after hour wears on, I realize that this darn contraption is exerting forces on my teeth that I would prefer not to have to deal with.  And when dinner time comes and I remove it, I feel my teeth instantly move back into their normal places and say "ahhhh..."

Only to have to put it back in after dessert.  And wear it at night.  And then, homeschool my kids the next day, reading aloud to them and teaching myself to speak correctly again.  That was not one of my magazine photo picture perfect homeschool days, I remember that much.

Well, now here it's been six days since the torture device retainer has been placed, and I have to say that my teeth now know their new places, my bite has been altered as it needed to be, and the retainer apparently has done the trick.

Oh, and apologies for grumpy mommy/ wife have been delivered all around.  Now I remember why I didn't miss this particular part of my teenage years.
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On June 2, 2010 at 2:17 PM , Paula said...

Ouch, that sounds like no fun... Lily's adult teeth are all coming in crowded and I'm planning to take her to an orthodontist this year. I'll have to remember to make allowances for grumpiness if she starts orthodontic work!

On June 2, 2010 at 6:01 PM , Marjie said...

My oldest daughter had the Invisalign braces during her senior year of high school and first year of college, and she was a grump on wheels the first few days of a new retainer! You have our sympathy.