Author: Breezy Point Mom
•11:06 AM
April 27, 2010 11:05 a.m.

Yesterday was the final practice of the boys' chamber piano trio of which Chips is the violinist.  They were practicing for state competition this coming weekend in Jacks*nville.  This is "Uluru", from the Summits compositions of C. McMichael.  This was the selection that gave Chips such grief this year, but I feel has resulted in good lessons learned for him.  Lessons in perseverance and patience, for example.

So the coming weeks will bring the final performance of this group.  Hopefully, though, they will always remains friends as they are today.  For me this is the "end of an era".  I have mixed feelings.  First, it will be lovely to get the latter half of our Monday afternoons back; but I will miss hanging with these boys and their wonderful moms, as well as benefitting from the teaching of this particular group's director.  But life moves along, children grow older, transitions occur, seasons change.  In most cases everything we have done, and finished well, has been replaced by something else even better.  That's called Providence.  Hopefully, what is being relinquished now will be filled anew with bigger and better things.

There is more that is changing, but I am not at liberty to talk about it just yet.  In a few weeks I will be able to.

If you can spare three minutes, please view this final "practice" performance of a rather modern musical selection.

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On April 30, 2010 at 5:00 PM , Linda said...

I think they're doing amazingly well with this piece. So difficult when it's what my children would call 'random notes' (being Suzuki kids too who like a good baroque melody!).