Author: Breezy Point Mom
•5:59 PM
Little Son and Baby Girl have been interviewed for our local newspaper. I have marked and slightly edited the entry above. If you cannot read it, here is what was quoted:

"I like the pretty horses and the pony rides. I've been coming to the parade my whole life. I also like the candy and the airplanes." Baby Girl, 6 years old.

"I like the old cars because my dad has a 1969 Jaguar. I like the fire trucks -- they are loud. I saw the helicopters chasing each other." Little Son, 9 years old.

Pretty neat, huh? We were excited to see their photos in the paper. We are planning to bring a copy to their grandmother when we travel to see her this weekend.
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On July 15, 2009 at 7:51 PM , Paula said...

What fun for the kids to be quoted in the newspaper!

On July 16, 2009 at 3:22 PM , Marjie said...

I hope you kept copies for their baby books! What a great memory for them.

And don't get too worked up about planning their futures. They're going to do exactly what they want, subject to your rules of funding, regardless of what you think is best. Just a side note from the mother of 9 children, 6 of whom are redheads, all of whom are really stubborn.