Author: Breezy Point Mom
•6:28 PM
... one that is becoming nearer and dearer to my heart as time goes on; especially as I am a homeschool mom: one who is a Bible-believing Christian and one who teaches my kids science and world history. A short review of the book Already Gone from Answers in Genesis appears here. I believe, as a person who holds mainly to progressive creationist views, that the points made by this review are important and should not be ignored.

At the risk of being controversial here, I would urge all my fellow Christian homeschool moms to at least give a fair look at the materials presented at this website and this one as they pertain to the age of the earth and the universe. I humbly ask that in doing so, you put aside, at least temporarily, the notion that old-earth believers are compromisers. No, I am not affiliated at all with these two organizations. But I greatly appreciate and respect the work that they do.

I don't want my kids to be part of the exodus referred to in the above book review. I realize that my children are likely to pursue careers in the future that require advanced levels of science or engineering education. I believe that telling folks that the evidence of mainstream science flatly contradicts the Bible is incorrect and harmful. Who says that the facts are mutually irreconcilable? Why do I have to choose between science and the Bible as if either one or the other is right, but not both? How many people have abandoned Christianity because they have been told this? And how many folks, who remain in the church for one reason or another, have their faith weakened because they must live with cognitive dissonance on account of what they know about science, and what they are told the Bible says?

Finally, a plug for an excellent video. Last week, we viewed as a family the DVD The Case for a Creator with Lee Strobel. What a fantastic presentation of creationism and intelligent design! Our family thoroughly enjoyed it, and its discussion of the cosmological, astronomical, and microbiological evidence for extraordinarily complex design in creation. The open minded viewer of this DVD should not only be honest enough to acknowledge the God of the Bible as our Creator, but should be driven to fall on his face before the supremacy of who He is, as evidenced by His unbelievable signature on creation. Some people are bending over backwards like a pretzel to avoid seeing this, and coming up with outrageous propositions to avoid the obvious. We highly recommend this video, but please note that in order to appreciate what is being brought out in the cosmological portion of the video, one needs to be open to old-earth perspectives on creation.
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On June 10, 2009 at 2:26 PM , Sandy said...

I lean towards and 'old-earth' view myself, though I am not nearly as knowledgeable about it as you are. My first ideas that old earth is possibly more accurate actually came from the Bible, rather than science. There is no possible way that the Bible and science could disagree. If we think they do, it is because we don't yet know enough about one or the other.

On June 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM , Marjie said...

I think that there are likel8y some portions of teh Bible which are figurative, rather than literal. The story of the Heavens and the Earth being created in one day is a pretty picture. Of course, who is to say that the first day didn't last a million years, since the rotation of the earth causes days and nights? And it's a much nicer image to carry in one's head than things forming with a bang (except, of course, if you're a young boy, who love things that bang). Creationism isn't impossible, if we acknowledge that evolution of existing things does occur: for instance, no one can deny that the populace today is taller than they were 250 years ago, nor that they live longer, due to advances in nutrition and medicine. Everyone needs to do a lot of thinking and believe what makes them comfortable, while not denying things which are absolutely provable! It's a hard thing to teach children, no doubt. Yours are lucky to have a thinking Mom.