Author: Breezy Point Mom
•8:49 AM

May 23, 2011 8:49 a.m.

Sweet Girl loves to write and is currently at work on her own mystery novel.  She has read so many mystery novels that her daily spoken vocabulary is beginning to be formed by such words as you would find in Nancy Drew books.  Can’t think of any such words offhand, but when I hear her say them I recognize them.

Anyway, some time back she wrote a short poem and the other day she asked if I had posted it to the blog.  I told her I honestly did not remember if I had, so here it is..


Raindrops, silvery raindrops

Falling from teary clouds.

When the sun peeks out and the rainbow shines,

The raindrops say goodbye!

                  --written by Sweet Girl, some time in 2010

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