Author: Breezy Point Mom
•2:09 PM

May 20, 2011 2:09 p.m.

That’s me, I guess.  Did you know that tomorrow is Judgment Day?  I can’t believe that nobody at our church has mentioned this yet.  I was there on Wednesday evening, and everybody was milling around like normal, like nothing unusual was in the works.

In fact, we had church directory photos taken, and we let them have 75 of our hard-earned dollars, after they told us the photos would be delivered in two weeks.  Ha Ha – looks like the joke is on us!

Thank Drudge Report for tipping me off to this, and therefore, all of my fortunate readers.   I am so glad, or else I wouldn’t have stood a chance.  So, over at, there is the following image on their front webpage:


I figured it was okay for me to steal borrow it.  After all, they aren’t going to be around to sue me.

So what should our family do this evening?  Maybe some grocery shopping, like every other Friday evening.

Don’t they know that nobody knows the time, nor the hour, except the Father?

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