Author: Breezy Point Mom
•7:33 AM

April 20, 2011 7:33 a.m.

Here is an historical bar chart of the history of Federal surpluses and deficits.  The picture tells it all.  I normally don’t like to get too political on this blog, but seriously, to think – the Dems and Reps arguing, almost shutting down the Federal government, over whether to cut the budget by $32 billion or $40 billion and finally settling on roughly $38 billion.

(Double click on the photo to bring it up in full size.)

Can you even see 38 billion on that graph below?  It is like slicing off a sliver of a stick of butter.  What a joke! 

Looks like the joke’s on all of us.  Smile with tongue out



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On April 25, 2011 at 6:32 PM , Paula said...

Depressing, isn't it?