Author: Breezy Point Mom
•4:32 PM
February 10, 2011 4:32 p.m.
Alas, today is a sick day at our house.  No lessons, just library books, videos, and naps.  Both children have the flu and are spiking fevers.  When one is up, the other is down, and vice versa.  As of this writing, Sweet Girl has hit 104 and Chips is at around 100.  Then in a couple of hours, it could be the other way around.  I hate to see them this way; they are so infrequently sick like this.  And they are supposed to play violin for a talent show tomorrow night that they have been anticipating for a long time.  I do hope they recover quickly.

We spent the weekend traveling to “Pepsicola” to visit Self-Reliant Man’s parents.  They seemed to be doing as well as can be expected.  Without going into too much detail about them, his mother is in an assisted-living facility.  His father isn’t.  Anyway, here are some photos of the children with them this weekend.
visiting with “Mimi”
engaging her in a few rounds of Go Fish

visiting with PawPaw
getting to play with the Wii at his house
Anyway, the visits worked out pretty well this weekend, and the children enjoyed the company of their only living set of grandparents (who are both in their mid-sixties).
Also, we typically stay at a campground when we visit Pepsicola, but this time it was cold and rainy, so we chose, instead, to stay at a Scarlet Roof Inn, mostly because of its low price and its perfect location to suit the needs of this trip.  It was our first stay ever at a Scarlet Roof Inn, and it was a fairly new one; built, perhaps 4 years ago.  Anyway, it isn’t a bad place to stay if you are budget-minded and not too fussy.  On the plus side, it had very comfortable beds, clean bathrooms, and a neat machine that dispensed a variety of tasty hot beverages at the push of a button.  So, it wasn’t bad if we overlooked the dog pee on the elevator floor each morning, the used toddler diaper that we found under the bed in our room the first day, and the fact that the desk clerk called to complain that we were disturbing the downstairs neighbors due to “children jumping” in our room.  Actually, they weren’t jumping, they were just walking with the energy typical of children, but since the floor was constructed of wood joist, such walking resulted in thump-thump-thumping like that of a multi-story house or old hotel. 
Other than that, the Scarlet Roof Inn was fine.  They emailed me after we returned asking for feedback, and I simply wrote to them about our experience, the good and the bad.  Well, it turned out that they refunded us for one of the three nights we were there.  Imagine that! 
So staying there didn’t cost us any more than the campground would have.  And we had a warm, dry place to be.  The Lord is always providing for us.
Now I am going to take my kids’ temperatures again and hope for improvement.  All prayers gratefully accepted and appreciated!
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On February 11, 2011 at 9:49 AM , Liz Tolsma said...

Hope you are all feeling better, including you. It's hard to see your kids so miserable. Praying they are up and around again.

On February 12, 2011 at 6:30 PM , Linda said...

So sorry to hear about illness at your house. I hope the children have improved since you posted.