Author: Breezy Point Mom
•10:35 PM
October 28, 2010 10:35 p.m.
I have to admit, I am proud of myself this Fall. Last winter, the extreme cold killed so many of our plants. Our yard was in dire need of some primping, and I planted flowers and flowering shrubs this month. Plants like Pentas, Plumbagos, Azaleas, Bouganvilleas, Mums, Thryallis, Ixora, Firespikes, Crossandra, and others. Here are some pictures so you know what I mean...
Not super fancy, but a big deal for me. I am even remembering to water them all every day. Pretty good for this girl.
I am beginning to weed places that have been ignored for too long. We also had to hire a tree service today to do a minor job, but we simply didn't have the equipment to do it on our own. So within a half hour's time, a work crew came here and cut back the live oak tree from the front of our house, in order to diminish the fire hazard due to a lightning strike. (Our dear homeowners' insurance company threatened to terminate our coverage if we didn't do this). So here are some before and after shots...
Before. |
AFTER!! (even the clouds were removed, see?) |
Before. |
AFTER!! What a relief! | |
Another thing, I am bad about holiday decorating. Really bad. Every year I think I'm going to decorate, and then I have no time to even think about it. So I am
proud -- no, amazed -- at myself for actually coming up with an autumn decoration. And it is still just October! Are you ready for this?
Oooooohh! Aaaaahhh! |
Tell me where to find that tree trimmer who can trim away clouds. After 4 days of clouds, I am so ready to hire them!