Author: Breezy Point Mom
•1:31 PM
Well, I think it is high time to tell my faithful readers about all the changes that will be occurring around here. There are so many that I am going to give them numbers.

1. We decided to enroll both children in the local public school. We have had this nagging guilt about socialization and secret concerns about their academic prowess, so we decided that their needs could best be met by professionals in the field.

2. We also decided to discontinue their violin lessons at the same time. The reason for this is that we think they will be spending more time each day with school and homework, and requiring this activity on top of everything else will be too demanding. They will need some time for fun, you know? After all, you're only young once.

3. Since there will be several long hours to fill while they are away at school, I will fortunately be able to spend a lot more time shopping in the local malls. After all, we expect to save thousands every year not buying curriculum and paying for violin lessons. More $$ for me to spend, right?

4. We decided to sign up for cable television and we have an order in place for a brand new 55 inch LED high definition TV. This will better facilitate my being able to watch the Oprah show and more daytime TV on non-shopping days.

5. Chips' tenth birthday is coming up, and instead of a birthday party, we decided to buy him an XBox 360, his own laptop, and an Ipod. We have been concerned about his lack of technological skills, and figure these gifts will help. Also, the Xbox should continue to hone his fine motor skills since he won't be playing the violin anymore.

6. We decided that Sweet Girl's wardrobe needs some spicing up. After all she is 7, practically a teenager. So I ordered her some tube tops, short shorts, and bikinis for the upcoming summer. I am sure she will look great.

7. We're finally getting around to registering to vote in our county. I know, we've been here five years already, but didn't have the time. We're registering as Democrats.

8. I will be changing the name of this blog to "Free at Last!"

A lot of thought has gone into making these decisions. What do you all think? If you are still with me, scroll down some....


Now if you believe all that, I have some great oceanfront property for sale in Nebraska.
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On April 1, 2010 at 1:57 PM , Lois O'Brien said...

You had me a little worried when I read the first point, but by the time I got to the second, I had it figured out! ;)

On April 1, 2010 at 4:12 PM , Marjie said...

Number 1 had me a little dubious. #2 had me wondering if you'd had a stroke or otherwise lost your mind. You were going to spend all day at the mall? Yeah, right. When I got to the 55" TV, I said, "This can't be for real!" It was a good joke.

Now, just so we're clear, I don't need to send a shrink to help you begin to recover from the shock of becoming a Democrat, right? April Fools, Yourself, Mrs. B!

On April 1, 2010 at 4:50 PM , Tara said...

Wow! Had me truly going until #4 and #5. Then It was just to drastic. Then I remembered today was April fools so I began skimming quickly to find the joke.

That was a good one....

On April 2, 2010 at 9:12 PM , Crystal said...

Wow, you had me going on the first one...and I was thinking "hmmm, she didn't mention this at all today at her house!" By the third one I figured it out, well, actually on the second one I was thinking, "that doesn't seem like B..." but I haven't known you that long to know for sure!!! What a great April Fools!

On April 3, 2010 at 10:41 AM , Linda said...

Number 1 I believed, but thought that there must be some hidden cataclysm in your lives. Number 2 had me saying 'What???' It was at the malls that I twigged.

But when you mention registering to vote by a certain political persuasion, is that part of the April Fool, or is that what the system is in the US? Here we are just on the electoral roll without any declaration of political intention. The parties go through the electoral roll trying to work out who will vote for them, but there's no obligation to tell them. I remember when my father was involved in politics that there were great fun and games offering transport to the polls to the elderly and people who didn't have cars, in the hope that this would swing their vote. Some old folks were besieged by 3 different parties turning up at the same time, competing to give them a lift to the polls.

On April 5, 2010 at 12:43 PM , Tara said...

I wished I had the 5 acres and a big lake. The lake is the back yard at my in laws. My husbands uncle built it years and years ago. The city bought them (the lakes)and made them into parks and a walking path that connects.
I love going down there it is like having the best of both worlds.

On April 6, 2010 at 8:21 AM , Breezy Point Mom said...

Enjoyed all your comments, Friends. Linda, I will respond to your question about American politics at your email.

On April 6, 2010 at 12:40 PM , Tara said...

Thank you for the update on your friend. I am still praying for her. I just can not believe how many have cancer. Is it that medical is getting better at detecting or is cancer on a rise? My MIL thinks it is due to better technology. It has been very emotional for me to know so many my age or younger being diagnoised with cancer. Plus my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 yrs ago. Went through all the treatments and so far praise God all is good.
Last night on our bike ride my son fell in the road and was had hurt himself. So as him and my baby girl were in the road(baby girl trying to find out if big brother was OK). Someone in their little pickup sped up and headed straight for them in the road. I have never heard my husband yell like he yelled at the children and myself at the same time. It turned out my son on the side of the road near them was screaming in fear also. When they heard our panic and saw the truck speeding towards them they moved faster then I have ever seen them move.
The helpless feeling that came over me last night was terrifying and the anger at that driver.
My children also learned not to stay in the road, get to the side immediatly. Leave the bike just make sure you are safe!
I love our bike rides but that really shock me up, I hope my nerves can handle our ride tonight. Maybe my stunt boy will ride a little more careful.
Thanks for caring...

On April 6, 2010 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous said...

Very funny! Around #3 I started wondering, #4 sounded really strange, and by #5 I figured out what was going on! What fun!

Yes, Windy Ridge is in Canada :-) Thanks for you comment on my blog!

On April 8, 2010 at 11:46 PM , Shannon said...

This is a great post!

On April 18, 2010 at 5:44 PM , 40winkzzz said...

okay, i am WAY behind on my blog reading and just read this today. but i didn't even get past the first SENTENCE when i said to myself, "okay, this was written on april fool's day."

i guess i am your most astute blog friend yet!

On April 18, 2010 at 5:45 PM , 40winkzzz said...

oops, i meant the first sentence of the first point! sorry! STILL makes me the most astute ;-).