FOR TODAY... March 30, 2010 7:04 a.m.
Outside my window... still dark this morning, but clear, with a full moon.
I am thinking and praying... the parents of my friend (illness), another friend's son (trouble in school), my other friend's niece (bulimia and rebellion) and for renewal and repentance within me and our family as we approach the climax of Lent.
I am thankful for... the work, presence, and promise of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Also thankful for no headaches, after enduring nine days in a row with annoying pressure headaches.
I am wearing... fleece pants and sweatshirt, as it is chilly once again this morning. What else??
I am remembering... the home I lived in from age 3 until age 31. It is in New Jersey, and its photo is below.
Also, remembering the nice quiet birthday celebration we had for Sweet Girl last week as she turned 7.
I am going... headlong into a cold, I believe. That's because I started a diet a week ago. Any time I start a diet, I end up with a bug a week later. I'm at the "scratchy throat" stage.
I am reading... Stott's Basic Christianity, Barrie's Peter Pan, Created for Work by Bob Schultz, and more recently When You Rise Up by R. C. Sproul, Jr. The Sproul, Jr. family have recently moved here to our church community. They homeschool and have 7 kids.
I am hoping... for a happy, memorable, and blessed evening this coming Thursday as Sweet Girl makes her Profession of Faith and takes her first Lord's Supper! Now our family is complete!
On my mind... the changes coming down in our country, and the agenda that the gov't has in mind for the spring. Not sure where it is all going, but I know two things. ONE: We're going to have to pay for it, literally, with real money, and TWO: God is still 100% sovereign over it all.
From the learning rooms... I cannot believe how many compositions Chips and Sweet Girl are writing these days for their Calvert curriculum. One thing I can say about Calvert, it really challenges them, makes them think, discuss, and work, and especially write. Writing, like touch typing and reading music, can only develop ease and fluency when one is made to practice it over and over again. I can see their skills developing before my eyes. I see Chips creating outlines of his history reading and then turning the outline into a factual composition. I know that this is developing good study skills for when he is older. I see Sweet Girl letting her imagination loose as she turns most of her writing projects into fantasy stories. She is loving writing, always has.
Noticing that... the cortisone injection that our dog, Beau, received last week has turned him into a different dog. He is loving life again! But we have to be careful that he doesn't overdo it, because he hasn't been used to it. Missing his younger days.
Pondering these words... Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11.
I especially want that undivided heart part.
From the kitchen... Italian Casserole with Caesar Salad for supper tonight.
Around the house... Self-Reliant Man is still making minor improvements to the roof. All I have to do is spot him and mind the ladder.
Also, cleaning up the breezeway after our dog decided to "mark" the entire thing when we were at church on Sunday. And that's all I'm going to say about THAT!
One of my favorite things... the smells of spring time, and that first whiff you get when you open up a window.
From my picture journal......
To participate in this meme, please visit The Simple Woman's Daybook here.
Outside my window... still dark this morning, but clear, with a full moon.
I am thinking and praying... the parents of my friend (illness), another friend's son (trouble in school), my other friend's niece (bulimia and rebellion) and for renewal and repentance within me and our family as we approach the climax of Lent.
I am thankful for... the work, presence, and promise of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Also thankful for no headaches, after enduring nine days in a row with annoying pressure headaches.
I am wearing... fleece pants and sweatshirt, as it is chilly once again this morning. What else??
I am remembering... the home I lived in from age 3 until age 31. It is in New Jersey, and its photo is below.
Also, remembering the nice quiet birthday celebration we had for Sweet Girl last week as she turned 7.
I am going... headlong into a cold, I believe. That's because I started a diet a week ago. Any time I start a diet, I end up with a bug a week later. I'm at the "scratchy throat" stage.
I am reading... Stott's Basic Christianity, Barrie's Peter Pan, Created for Work by Bob Schultz, and more recently When You Rise Up by R. C. Sproul, Jr. The Sproul, Jr. family have recently moved here to our church community. They homeschool and have 7 kids.
I am hoping... for a happy, memorable, and blessed evening this coming Thursday as Sweet Girl makes her Profession of Faith and takes her first Lord's Supper! Now our family is complete!
On my mind... the changes coming down in our country, and the agenda that the gov't has in mind for the spring. Not sure where it is all going, but I know two things. ONE: We're going to have to pay for it, literally, with real money, and TWO: God is still 100% sovereign over it all.
From the learning rooms... I cannot believe how many compositions Chips and Sweet Girl are writing these days for their Calvert curriculum. One thing I can say about Calvert, it really challenges them, makes them think, discuss, and work, and especially write. Writing, like touch typing and reading music, can only develop ease and fluency when one is made to practice it over and over again. I can see their skills developing before my eyes. I see Chips creating outlines of his history reading and then turning the outline into a factual composition. I know that this is developing good study skills for when he is older. I see Sweet Girl letting her imagination loose as she turns most of her writing projects into fantasy stories. She is loving writing, always has.
Noticing that... the cortisone injection that our dog, Beau, received last week has turned him into a different dog. He is loving life again! But we have to be careful that he doesn't overdo it, because he hasn't been used to it. Missing his younger days.
Pondering these words... Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11.
I especially want that undivided heart part.
From the kitchen... Italian Casserole with Caesar Salad for supper tonight.
Around the house... Self-Reliant Man is still making minor improvements to the roof. All I have to do is spot him and mind the ladder.
Also, cleaning up the breezeway after our dog decided to "mark" the entire thing when we were at church on Sunday. And that's all I'm going to say about THAT!
One of my favorite things... the smells of spring time, and that first whiff you get when you open up a window.
From my picture journal......
To participate in this meme, please visit The Simple Woman's Daybook here.